
Showing posts from January, 2022


   ALL ABOUT IF-ELSE IN PYTHON THIS IS CODE OF IF-ELSE IN PYTHON YOU CAN COPY PASTE THIS CODE AND RUN  AND SEE THE OUTPUT IN THIS CODE I HAVE COVER ALMOST WORK RELATED   TO IF-ELSE. ''' Equal : a==b not equal: a!=b less than: a<b greater than :b>a greater than or equal to :a>=b less than equal to: a<=b ''' # if statement a = 33 b = 200 if b > a : print ( "b is geater than a" ) # # elif a = 33 b = 33 if b > a : print ( "b is greater than a" ) elif a == b : print ( "a and b are equal" ) # # ELSE a = 200 b = 33 if b > a : print ( "b is greater than a" ) elif a == b : print ( "a is greater than b" ) else : print ( "a is greater than b" ) # # SHORT HAND IF a = 300 b = 30 if a > b : print ( "a is greater than b " ) # # SHORT HAND IF ELSE a = 2 b = 330 print ( "A" ) if a > b else print ( "B" )


   ALL ABOUT DICTIONARY IN PYTHON THIS IS CODE OF DICTIONARY IN PYTHON YOU CAN COPY PASTE THIS CODE AND RUN  AND SEE THE OUTPUT IN THIS CODE I HAVE COVER ALMOST WORK RELATED   TO DICTIONARY. # Dictionaries are used to store data values in key:value pairs. # A dictionary is a collection which is ordered*, # changeable and does not allow duplicates. # Example of dictionary thisdict = { "brand" : "Ford" , "model" : "Mustang" , "year" : 1964 } print ( thisdict ) # Dictionary Items thisdict = { "brand" : "bmw" , "model" : "Mustang" , "year" : 1964 } print ( thisdict [ "brand" ]) # Duplicates Not Allowed thisdict = { "brand" : "Ford" , "model" : "Mustang" , "year" : 1964 , "year" : 2020 } print ( thisdict ) # Dictionary Length print ( len ( thisdict )) # Dictionary Items - Data Types t